Last updated: 27th May 2021

One day liver pathology virtual learning programme followed by a six-part webinar series.

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14th May - 5th July 2021
Venue: Virtual Event

To accompany our one day programme "Solving the Enigma of the Liver Biopsy - Virtual Event", a webinar series "Bitesize Liver webinar series" has been added. Detail for both programmes can be found below. Delegates will have the option to attend the full day programme only, the full day programme plus all the webinar sessions or the option to pick and choose what to attend.


Virtual Liver Event - 14 May 2021

The aim of this 'virtual' liver day is to provide a good grounding for the approach to liver biopsies. It will also facilitate updates of recent practical advancements in liver pathology and the understanding of more common diagnoses to improve a standardised approach to the reporting of liver cases. It is relevant to all those who report liver pathology, at both a senior registrar, SAS and consultant level. 6 CPD points available for this one day course


Bitesize Liver webinar series: 1st June – 5th July

A webinar series of 6 one-hour long sessions to run weekly, starting 1st June 2021. These sessions will have a small number of digital slides made available to view prior to each week. Each session will include discussion through the cases, with experts highlighting any recent advancements in that area, and also providing hints and tips to aid in diagnosis.

Event contact details

Kristen Pontello Telephone: 020 7451 6715 Event website