
Biomedical Science Research and Networking Event

Biomedical Science Research and Networking Event
11 March 2016
The NIHR Clinical Research Network: West Midlands and Staffordshire University are hosting a networking event

Biomedical Science and Clinical Research: Innovating Practice and Developing Potential will take place on Wednesday 20th April at the Staffordshire University Science Centre.

This event will include key speakers, discussions and breakout sessions to identify barriers, generate ideas and formulate key themes for development.

This free CPD event is being held in conjunction with the National Institute of Health Research Clinical Research Network (West Midlands) and aims to discuss the role of the pathology laboratory and biomedical scientists in research, innovation and service development. There is a growing recognition from the research community of the potential within NHS laboratories and this fits very well with other agenda (for example recruitment and retention, service efficiencies, improved patient pathways and widening the appreciation of the work of laboratories).

The event is aimed at all BMS grades, from trainees to service managers and we hope for a lot of discussion, to identify barriers and challenges and to generate lots of ideas for future development.

For managers, the event aims to discuss how research, innovation and development could contribute to staff retention and service redesign together with identifying areas in which the laboratory could benefit (for example income generation).

For Biomedical Scientists the event aims to stimulate interest and discussion, to generate ideas that could have positive impacts upon patient care and to promote biomedical science within the wider NHS.


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