Calling all early career researchers

Last updated: 6th February 2018
Calling all early career researchers

Learn how to promote your research - free spaces on media workshop in Edinburgh

The IBMS is proud to announce that we will be sponsoring a Voice of Young Science (VoYS) media workshop at University of Edinburgh on 22nd September 2017. By sponsoring the event, we will have the opportunity to send 5 members who are early career researchers to attend the workshop where you will:

  • find out how to make your voice heard in public debates about science
  • meet scientists who've engaged with the media
  • learn from respected science journalists
  • get hints and tips from communications experts.

IBMS members can apply for the event by contacting by Friday 8th September


VoYS is a network of early career researchers from across Europe who are committed to playing an active role in public discussions about science. They were set up in 2007, by an independent campaigning charity called Sense about Science, who challenge the misrepresentation of science and evidence in public life. 

VoYS Standing up for Science media workshops encourage early career researchers to get their voices heard. At these day-long workshops, they have the chance to hear directly from respected science journalists, as well as from scientists with media experience. It’s an opportunity to learn how the media works, how to respond and comment, and what journalists want and expect from scientists.

Events are held each year in London, Manchester, Warwick and Edinburgh.  

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