
Do you have an idea for a novel diagnostic to combat antibiotic resistance?

Do you have an idea for a novel diagnostic to combat antibiotic resistance?
15 June 2016
The Discovery Awards are small seed grants to help teams and individuals further develop their ideas for the Longitude Prize

The Longitude Prize is a five-year challenge with a £10 million prize fund.

It will reward a competitor that can develop a transformative, accurate, affordable and rapid point–of–care diagnostic test that is easy to use, anywhere in the world and will conserve antibiotics for future generations.

The Discovery Awards programme, launched in May 2016, will help ensure as many teams as possible enter the Prize. Discovery Awards, funded by GSK and BIRAC, are seed grants of up to £25,000 each to support existing teams to further develop ideas, and to encourage new innovators from a range of disciplines, sectors and countries to get involved.

Closing date for applications: Midnight BST, 26 August 2016
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