HSD candidate preparation day spring session

Last updated: 11th February 2019

The IBMS will run an HSD candidate preparation day on Wednesday 13 March 2019

For all candidates seeking more information on undertaking the Higher Specialist Diploma (HSD), they are strongly encouraged to attend this preparation day.  

Registration begins at 10:15 am. The day will start at 10:30 am and will finish no later than 3.30pm. The day includes:

  • a chance to network with others on the HSD
  • presentations on what makes a good HSD portfolio, the examination structure and a successful candidate's explanation of why they did the HSD and how they passed the qualification
  • workshops on the generic and discipline-specific examination papers with IBMS examiners which will give delegates an opportunity to understand the level of detail required in the HSD exam

 Places are limited at this free event, so to reserve a place, please email examinations@ibms.org including details of your IBMS membership number and HSD discipline that you are interested in.


IBMS members shortlisted for 2019 AHAwards

Caoimhe's Registration Portfolio Verifications