Science Council honours three IBMS members at CPD Awards 2023

Last updated: 20th November 2023
Science Council honours three IBMS members at CPD Awards 2023

IBMS members Sheri Scott,Tahmina Hussain and Dr Joanne L. Fallowfield receive awards at this year’s Science Council CPD Awards


On 15 November, winners of the Science Council’s CPD Awards were invited to a ceremony in Birmingham to celebrate their achievements.

The annual CPD Awards are designed to celebrate the continuing professional development (CPD) efforts and achievements of registrants from across the registers: Registered Science Technician (RSciTech), Registered Scientist (RSci), Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach).

Awards and commendations are for an individual’s commitment to undertaking work-based and self-directed learning. The work has to meet high professional standards and demonstrate that it has benefited the quality of their practice, their service and their colleagues, patients and clients.

The IBMS were delighted that two members were recognised for their exceptional CPD:

  • Tahmina Hussain CSci FIBMS FHEA
  • Dr Joanne L. Fallowfield PhD, MBA, MSc, BSc, PGCE, RNutr (Public Health), CSci, FIBMS

Sheri Scott CSci FIBMS SFHEA  also recieved  a Volunteer Recognition Award celebrating her outstanding contribution to science.

Tahmina said,

'I am delighted to have been selected as a CPD Award Winner for the Chartered Scientist category. Maintaining CPD comes with our daily roles and is a huge part of our profession and to be recognised for my CPD is a huge honour.
I was really pleased to be informed that my CPD records 'stood out with outstanding CPD submissions' and that 'this is one of the best CPD review returns seen' 

Joanne on winning a CPD award,

'I was very surprised and of course delighted to receive the award. I see this as recognition of the prioritisation of, and support for, CPD by my employer to ensure we provide a quality scientific service. I should also acknowledge the work of the IBMS, and their supportive and enabling approach to developing and assuring practitioner best practice'

Sheri said

The award was totally unexpected. I champion for CPD and professional registration as I deeply believe that undergoing CPD is not only fundamental requirement for delivering a safe and quality service, but also ensures a successful and fulfilling career. I do what I can to support CPD activities, see the profession flourish and support individuals to develop themselves, to achieve all they can. I was honoured to receive the award and celebrate science at the event

PpCPD 2023 - Volunteers

Sherri Scott (middle) 

Christian Burt, IBMS Professional Support Services Manager, commented,

‘"Both Tahmina and Joanne sent first-class CPD review returns for the last audit cycle, and the IBMS CPD review assessment team strongly recommended to signpost to the Science Council CPD awards. 
I am delighted that biomedical scientists continue to demonstrate such high-level CPD recording and reflection as members of the wider UK scientific and technical workforce
I was also delighted that Sheri Scott was awarded for her volunteer contribution. Without Sheri and other assessors, we would not be able to able to professionally assess both first-point Science Council applications, but also CPD reviews and  Common Application Process registrants. Thank you, Sheri"

On behalf of the Institute, we are proud of our members for their achievements and wish them the best of luck in their careers.

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