Events in 2023

CONGRESS 2023 - Obstetric guidelines - what's new?

This presentation will:

Summarise the key points within the BSH guideines for blood grouping and antibody testing in pregnancy
Give an overview of the main updates to the BSH guideline for blood grouping and antibody testing in pregnancy

CONGRESS 2023 - What are the barriers to an inclusive curriculum and learning experience?

We are living through a world of change. COVID has had a long-lasting impact on how the next generation learn and the skills they have when entering higher education. Black Lives Matter emphasises once again the barriers to learning faced by so many marginalised members of our communities. An inclusive curriculum aims at eliminating barriers by embracing difference and fostering a strong sense of belonging. It enriches the learning experience to enable students to develop empathy, cultural competence, and responsibility for social cohesion.

CONGRESS 2023 - Review of malaria rapid tests

Rapid antigen tests for malaria have been in routine use in UK haematology labs for many years now. However, interpretation of their results, especially in light of the accompanying blood film findings can still prove to be confusing.

The advantages and limitations of these tests will be explored and explained.

CONGRESS 2023 - Narcolepsy and its association with HLA type

This presentation will introduce basic sleep physiology related to the pathophysiological mechanisms Narcolepsy is a rare but debilitating neurological sleep disorder, with a worldwide prevalence of 25-50 per 100,000 people. Onset is most common during the adolescent years, though a diagnostic delay of around 10 years is common. There is currently no cure, though symptoms can be managed using pharmacotherapy. Biochemistry services provide an important role in confirming a diagnosis of narcolepsy in line with current international guidelines such as the International Classification of Sleep Disorders 3rd edition (ICSD-3).

The aims of this talk are to:

1. Introduce basic sleep physiology related to the pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning narcolepsy.

2. To describe the signs and symptoms of narcolepsy and their impact on patients.

3. To review the diagnosis of narcolepsy including the role of biomarkers such as HLA type and CSF hypocretin.

4. To summarise treatment options for narcolepsy.

CONGRESS 2023 - Workshop: First impressions last the longest – how to be the best public face of your laboratory

This session is aimed at staff who are on the front line of Pathology services. Those who are in sample reception, taking calls and frequently being the interface between Pathology and our users.

Human beings are built to size each other up quickly. These first impressions are influenced by a number of factors, such as facial shape, vocal inflection, attractiveness, and general emotional state. People tend to get attached to their initial impressions of others and find it very difficult to change their opinion, even when presented with lots of evidence to the contrary.

As a result, it’s important to be aware of how we come across to others during a first meeting. Then we can employ impression management skills—modulating any irritating traits and accentuating one's strengths—to ensure that people have a more favourable opinion of one. Everything from clothing style and posture to conversational topics can be adjusted to form a better first impression.

It takes a mere seven seconds to make a first impression. People thin-slice others based on how a person looks and sounds, more so than their explicit verbal statements. Often, someone's first impression is influenced by implicit attitudes of which they are unaware, which explains impulsive actions like giving special preference to those with physical beauty or more easily trusting a person who has a babyface. The observational powers (biases) of the observer are just as important as the qualities projected by the target, or person being judged, making these judgments a constant dance between objective information and selective signal-reading

This presentation will create awareness of our own and others first impressions and allow us consider how to make a good and lasting first impression.

CONGRESS 2023 - Equality, diversity and inclusion: optional extra or innate necessity? (why bother)

Equality, diversity and inclusion: optional extra or innate necessity? (why bother)

CONGRESS 2023 - Incident Management – MHRA expectations

Reporting haemovigilance incidents is vital to the ongoing learning from errors and improvements of quality management systems in transfusion. It is a statutory reguirement of the Blood Safety and Quality Regulations (2005) (as amended) and the data collected is used by both MHRA and SHOT to analyse and demonstrate key learning opportunities.

This presentation will give an overview of the legal requirements of the BSQR and the Good Practice Guide. Common isnspection findings will be presented and practical learning from SABRE reports will be shown. Common issues associated from reports received will be discussed and tips given as to how to improve the reporting of haemovigilance data.

CONGRESS 2023 - Complement genetic testing

Complement genetic testing

CONGRESS 2023 - ISO 15189:2022 and the impact upon delivery and maintenance of effective quality management within Point of Care Testing

ISO15189:2012 had reached its periodic review date and there was international consensus that it needed revision. The new version was published on 6th December 2022 and there are some key changes which include an emphasis on a patient-focused approach and to promote the welfare of patients - i.e. putting the patient at the heart of the service. There is also more emphasis on a risk-based approach to the Quality Management system. In addition, ISO 22870 (POCT) has been incorporated into ISO 15189:2022.

This presentation will review POCT definitions, highlight key considerations for currently accredited POCT services and also for organisations considering applying for accreditation to include (or extend) POCT in their scope.

POCT is referenced implicitly throughout ISO 15189:2022 and with additional distinct requirements as an Annex A.

The presentation will discuss generic POCT services, and highlight considerations on both current POCT services and also emphasise considerations for planning new POCT services, and that overall, when compared with ISO 22870:2016, things have not changed as much as one would think. Principles are similar, and POCT could even be considered as another specialty within pathology, regardless of where it is or managed from.

CONGRESS 2023 - Emerging arthropod-borne viral threats to the UK

Globally, arthropod-borne viral diseases represent one the of greatest threats to public and animal health. Vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks and midges transmit a vast range of viruses. For the UK, historically free of many arthropod-borne pathogens, events in mainland Europe have had a profound impact on the risk of disease emergence and this trend will continue. Mosquito-borne viruses provide an example of this process where the introduction of exotic species, such as the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) across much of Europe, has increased the risk of emergence of human pathogens such as dengue and chikungunya fever. This mosquito species has also been detected in southern England.

In recent decades there has been a dramatic increase in the distribution of zoonotic viruses such as West Nile and Usutu in mainland Europe that are making the introduction of these pathogens through short distance bird migration increasingly likely. This has been realised with the repeated detection of Usutu virus in Central London during the late summer months since 2020. In the absence of vaccines against many of these viruses, early detection linked to public awareness campaigns offer the best options for mitigating the impact of these threats.