IBMSPOD - Episode 6

Last updated: 7th June 2021

In April's edition of IBMSpod, we catch up with senior lecturer at Staffordshire University Ian Davies to ask how the pandemic has affected the next generation of Biomedical Scientists.

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1st April - 7th June 2021
Venue: Online

Education in the Pandemic with Ian Davies & Salford Students

As the pandemic took hold last spring, Ian and his team faced the challenges of supporting 70 apprentice students in clinical placements and assisting with the diagnostic response. In the midst of this, Ian also fully adapted the Biomedical Science course to ensure learning and practical classes could still take place - adopting a 'blended learning' style that combines both remote learning with essential face-to-face laboratory classes. 

IBMS eStudents Caitlin Owen and Nadia Patel are the co-editors of a new Biomedicine magazine created by students at the University of Salford during the lockdown in November.