
IBMS launch benchmark© guidance series

IBMS launch benchmark© guidance series
1 August 2014
The Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) has published the first in a series of benchmark© guidance and policy documents for laboratory services

The IBMS sets professional standards and standards of best practice to support and inform commissioners, managers and staff in delivering high quality, safe pathology services.

In light of the Francis Report recommendations and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) investigations at Sherwood Forrest NHS Foundation Trust, and following significant changes in the commissioning and configuration of pathology services, the Institute recognises our responsibility as a professional, standard setting-body to provide new and updated polices and guidance for our members.

The IBMS benchmark© guidance and policy documents; Staffing and Workload in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Supervision of Biomedical Support Staff (Assistant and Associate Practitioners) and Good Professional Practice in Biomedical Science, provide expert advice and guidance on appropriate conduct, staffing and skills mix in the laboratory.

The Institute has provided benchmark© guidance documents to all Clinical Commissioning Groups in England and will be providing copies for Laboratory Managers and Clinical Leads for Pathology at UK NHS Trusts over the coming weeks.

IBMS president, Nick Kirk CSci FIBMS welcomed the launch of the IBMS benchmark© series: “The Institute recognises its pivotal role in providing strong professional leadership, supporting our members in implementing and upholding the highest possible standards and delivering the best possible service for patients. The publication of the first guidance and policy documents in Institute’s benchmark© series cements the Institute’s position as the leading authority on biomedical science”.

You can request copies of Staffing and Workload in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Supervision of Biomedical Support Staff (Assistant and Associate Practitioners) and Good Professional Practice in Biomedical Science, by emailing 

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