
Lincoln student biomedical science society joins IBMS

Lincoln student biomedical science society joins IBMS
20 March 2018
We are pleased to welcome the University of Lincoln’s Biomedical Science Society

The Biomedical Science Society at the University of Lincoln has officially joined the IBMS, making it the twenty-sixth IBMS student affiliate society.

This group will receive valuable guidance and support from the IBMS, including help with sourcing speakers for their society events and the chance to network with professionals in their area. They will also receive promotional items for their events and publicity for their upcoming biomedical science-related activities.

Vice President Natasha Thawait said, “The Biomedical Science society is a place to socialise with fellow course mates, access support with your studies from other members and lecturers through organised revision sessions, and to broaden your horizons with guest lecturers and days out. 
Revision sessions and meet ups run at least twice a month and we aim to go out and have as much fun as possible throughout the year in all sorts of funny costumes on our nights out and quizzes. As a society we aim to broaden biomedical knowledge and its real world applications all whilst having fun!”

You can follow the society via their pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

To learn more about our student society affiliation scheme, see the IBMS careers website.

If you are interested in joining the IBMS as a student affiliate society, please contact for further information.


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