Nominations open for the Kate Granger Compassionate Care Awards

Last updated: 8th May 2018
Nominations open for the Kate Granger Compassionate Care Awards

Nominate a colleague, team or group which has made a difference to patience care

The Kate Granger Awards for Compassionate Care are now open for nominations. These awards recognise those individuals, teams and organisations that have made a difference to patient care in the NHS.

These awards are held to honour the memory of Dr Kate Granger MBE, who was inspired by the compassionate care she received from staff during her cancer treatment. However, these staff members didn’t introduce themselves. In light of this, Kate and her husband began the #hellomynameis social media campaign, which promoted the kind professionals and acted as a platform for Kate to write about the NHS ‘through the eyes of a patient’

The campaign serves to remind biomedical science professionals working in healthcare of the importance of introducing themselves to patients and how a relatively small act can positively affect a patient’s experience of the treatment and care they receive.

This year, the award categories are for:

  • Individuals working in the NHS or delivering NHS funded services
  • Teams who are part of the NHS or who deliver NHS funded services
  • Organisations that are part of the NHS or deliver NHS funded services
  • As well as a certificate of recognition for seven individuals across seven decades of the NHS who have worked tirelessly and innovatively to provide compassionate care for our patients and those we care for.

The closing date for entries is Friday 15 June 2018. Nominations can be made via an online form.

This year’s awards will be presented at the Health and Innovation Expo 2018 at Manchester Central on 5 and 6 September.

For more information about the awards, see the NHS England website.

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